Tcl Scripts





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Name Version Made Owner Tcl Description Of Tcl
!Dns 3.1 13/07/2002 I_strike Adds a public command for resolving DNS. Script is in French.
!learn TCL
Info Scripts
0.2 14/09/2002 Hal9000 Information storage script that learns words and their definitions. Accessed by public !learn command.
!learn TCL 0.21 28/04/2003 Win a 2 An extended version of Hal9000's learn script.
!Ping 1.0 13/07/2005 MrBoss Adds a public command that lets you ping the specified host or IP and display the results in the channel. Script is in Portuguese.
!User@host 1.1 22/09/2001 deku Adds a public command that displays a user's user@host when requested.
!who.tcl 1.2 13/02/2003 MC_8 Perform a public !who request (wildcards accepted). If no match, it will try and dns it and try n` find that.
./twlc news retreiving tcl 1.0 20/03/2002 Defcon7 Allows you to get the latest news of directly on IRC.
.next 1.06+mc1.0 05/03/2003 caesar A replica of the .next TCL script that is running on #zt and #nastrand channels @ Undernet.
File Server Scripts
1.0 15/06/2000 [spiff] Adds a public trigger for displaying information about an FTP server.
3xBot 1.12 26/06/2000 TripleX Large script with too many different features to list. See extended description.
Game Scripts 16/05/2006 miCHa Answers questions when you ask the bot. Script is in two languages (German & English) and you can administrate it through IRC.
ABCNews 1.1 18/10/2002 ThEdGE Will echo all the new headlines from in your channel, also the ability to get the last 5 headlines with a trigger.
Abuse user Report 1.0 02/10/2003 Ha0 Automatically logs abusive ops who kick the bot, and allows owners to view the list by typing !report in the channel.
Access increasing script
Services Scripts
1.0 03/03/2009 iamdeath Undernet channel access management. Adds an op with 1 access level and adds 1+ every day.
Game Scripts
1.0.1 14/04/2002 Souperman A word game in which players must try to make a meaningful phrase from a string of letters (the ACRO). See extended description.
Acronym Fetcher 1.0 08/03/2007 MenzAgitat Fetches the meaning of a given acronym by using "".
Acronym Fetcher (French) 1.0 09/03/2007 MenzAgitat Fetches the meaning of a given acronym by using "". French version.
acronym.tcl 0.2 08/02/2005 fragp Uses "" to retrieve acronyms. Includes public and DCC commands.
action flood protection - 06/03/2004 AcADIeN Watch your users for ACTION ( /me ) abuse (like slap or away).
Action Reverse Replyer 1.03 26/07/2007 mindcry Simple action reverse for fun, reversing any action via pub msg or private to bot and built in flood protection to prevent bot from flooding server with action msg. Also equipped with exemption flags to exempts bots or friendly users.
Active Chatter 3.80.b 23/02/2009 awyeah Voices users who have said a certain number of lines on a channel (Active chatters). Additionally, it also devoices users who are idling for more than a certain amount of time on a channel (Unactive chatters).
ActiveChan 1.00 20/05/2001 DrN Lets a DCC user set thier active console channel to any channel the bot is on that they have access to. See extended description.
Add a Lie 1.0 07/07/2002 Rush Makes the bot tell lies.
Add Me 2.0 12/04/2003 Ozh Organize pickup games in an IRC channel. With commands like !addme and !removeme, players can enrole themselves into a list, and when the player list is full, the bot notices everyone to join a given server.
add-on.tcl 1.2 08/07/2002 funak Adds "Added" and "Changed" entries into the userfile new or changed users, also notifying owner(s) of bot, who were added or removed. Also adds handle and date@time to bans' reason, so banned person can see who set a ban on him.
Added.tcl 1.4.4 02/10/2001 Nils Ostbjerg Sends a note to the users specified in the config file's notify-newusers setting when a new user is added and adds an extra field to userfile entries showing who added the user.
Botnet Scripts
1.03 13/07/2002 MyCraft Lists all Added Bots of the Botnet. Checks for Linked Bots, OnChan Bots and displays missing Linked/OnChan Bots.
AddOp 2.0 30/03/1998 Digger Public commands for adding new ops.
Services Scripts
2.0 30/04/2005 emac A channel service bot intended primarily to act as a complete combination of ChanServ, NickServ, OpServ, HelpServ, and Global.
ADV on Timer 0.4 16/11/2003 JingYou Advertise colour text messages on specified channels plus multiple text messages.
ADV Seeker
Anti-Spam Scripts
0.2 31/07/2005 MekDrop Detects prohibited advertisements on the selected IRC network.
Advance Channel Greet
Greet Scripts
1.0 05/01/2003 MeS Displays notices (e.g. channel URL) on join and private msg (goodbye message) on part. Also provides an !info command in the channel. Script is in French.
adver.tcl - 08/08/2000 Ultimate Bans people who send invites to the channel.
Advert 1.05 09/12/2002 DrN Will allow you to define advertisment lines to be sent to anyone leaving a channel the bot is on. May also be used with a connected bot to send the ads through. Definable probability if it will advertise.
advert 1.4 27/04/2006 chris Sends an advertisement (or other message) every X minutes to all channels where the script is activated. Complete administration via public/msg commands.
afnorris.tcl 1.1 12/04/2006 AkiraX Random Chuck Norris and Mr.T "facts" from the web.
afthes.tcl 2.1 12/04/2006 AkiraX spellchecking, thesaurus and etymology.
Aide Commands 1.0 03/01/2003 MeS Allows you to create public help commands and text to go with them. For example, you add !helpers, then configure the text that will be noticed to the person who uses !helpers. This script is in French.
aidle.tcl 1.1 27/03/1999 slennox Basic anti-idle script that sends random messages to a channel at random time intervals.
Akick and Anti Akick - 22/07/2004 m4a1sD Auto-kicks users who kick the bot. Script is in Bulgarian.
Alarm 1.0 beta 26/11/2005 stalker Allows you to set timed reminders using public commands, and sends you the reminder when the timer expires.
alice.tcl 1.2.0 16/09/2002 strikelight Will turn your bot into an artificially intelligent chatterbot. See extended description.
All Protection 4.5 05/12/2005 Opposing Protection against all types of floods such as text, notice, caps, repeats, codes, advs, bad words/nicks/idents, ctcp/ctcr, mass deop/kick/ban, channel limit, join, part messages, revolving door (flyby), nick, clones and random drones. Also has protection against botnet (mass) and private floods. See extended description.
Allakhazam item info 1.0.0 05/12/2005 Lopo Allakhazam wowitem info for World of Warcraft users. Based on the imdb info script released by phillie.
allchan.tcl 3.01 18/11/2000 Sup Adds lots of commands for performing functions on all channels the bot is on.
Allmodes - 10/03/2003 Chaos A set of three small scripts that set +o (@), +h (%), and +v (+) modes when users join a channel.
allop.tcl - 31/01/2000 score Gives ops to all users who join a specified channel.
allop.tcl - 23/07/2001 B3zi Gives ops to all users who join a specified channel. Can work alongside the allvoice script. In German.
Allscripts 1.42 29/03/2003 Papillon Gives you the ability to add/remove scripts to the bot on the partyline. No need to edit the configfile anymore.
allvoice.tcl - 03/06/1999 guppy Voices everyone who joins a channel.

allyourbase.tcl - 13/04/2001 fiveou Makes the bot respond to "all your base..." sentences.
AlphaChat.TCL - 10/03/2004 Joe An updated version of NSChat for the AlphaChat network.
Botnet Scripts
- 31/03/2001 looper Makes all bots remove all old althubs and adds wanted new althub in all bots.
altnick3.tcl 1.0 09/05/1999 Ernst Lets you specify alternate nicknames for users in the userfile.
AMSG - 14/01/2002 Progeny A "port" of the /amsg mIRC command to Eggdrop.
Anti Abuse 0.2 23/08/2005 SadSalman Sets a 2 minute channel ban on a user who writes any of the defined bad words. Doesn't ban users with +o OR +f flags. Logs ALL user/op messages containing the defined words.
Anti Advertise 0.2 23/08/2005 SadSalman Sets a channel ban on a user who writes any of the defined bad words. Doesn't ban users with +o OR +f flags. Logs ALL user/op messages containing the defined words. Words can be exempted and you can also set the ban reason and time.
Anti Advertise
Anti-Spam Scripts
3.5 16/01/2008 Rana Usman Looks for all kinds of spam such as Private, DCC and Channel. Cycles the channel after a time specified in script. Has a feature to send text to channel to detect those spam scripts which work on channel main text. Can now send a warning to users who are spamming.
Anti Bad-Nick 0.2 23/08/2005 SadSalman Sets a channel ban on a user who joins with or changes nick to a bad/abusive nick. Doesn't ban users with +o OR +f flags. Logs ALL user/op bad-nicks. Ban time and ban reason are also customisable.
anti idle 1.3 29/11/1997 JCFreak^ Anti-idle script. Makes the bot send a msg to a non-existent object.
Anti Mass Join / Join Flood Protection 1 15/09/2005 Rana Usman Will protect your channel from a heavy amout of clones joining to flood. Allows you to specify the channel modes to set on a flood.
Anti Mass Letter
Anti-Spam Scripts
1.1 27/06/2007 SilentStorm Protection against user spamming lines of the same letter/digit. Highly configurable. Can ignore digits. You can set users to be ignored. Only checks channels you specify. Warns user if spam detected and kicks them after x warnings.
Anti Nick Collide 0.49 19/08/2002 Fitti Reacts to nick collides by activating nick change mode, changing channel mode to +i, and kicking all unfriendly users.
Anti Part/Quit Message 5.34.b 05/09/2004 awyeah Will trigger on part and quit messages. 10 detection options available for part messages and 8 for quit messages. Will punish users performing join/part floods with long colored part messages and ban users quitting with specific quit messages. Good script to eliminate channel part message floods.
Anti Phone Number 1.3 24/02/2004 Rana Usman Kicks people who give their phone number on a channel. Simple and easy to configure.
Anti Phone Numbers - 14/08/2005 SadSalman Ban users who write telephone numbers in their messages. Just logs the message if the user has +f or +o flag.
Anti Trout Slap 1.1 13/11/1998 Dude Kicks/bans people who do trout slaps.
Anti-Idle 1.2 07/07/2003 Progeny Checks every minute the idle of every user and kicks users with idle > maxidle. You can set maxidle with a chanset command.
Anti-Spam Scripts
2.1 30/06/2008 Nor7on Bans users who send invite spam to the channel and briefly closes the channel by setting +mi to prevent further joins. Script is in Spanish/English. See extended description.
Anti-Restricted-Servers 1.0 08/12/1998 LoL Keeps the bot off restricted servers.
Anti-Socks 1.1 01/05/1999 Cashflo Advanced open proxy / wingate scanner.
Anti-Spam Scripts
1.4 11/09/2002 Progeny A basic anti-spam script with keywords preset in Italian.
Anti-Take 1.1 12/02/2009 BLaCkShaDoW Offers protection against ops/deops and lets only users who have access on the bot give ops/deops.
anticollide.tcl 0.3b 13/12/2001 MiNDiT Detects if the bot is being nick collided and notifies the other bots. If 2 or more bots are killed the bots will randomly change nicks for 10 minutes.
AntiDCCSend.TCL 2.0 15/10/2001 SkAtErS Bans people who send DCCs to the channel and tells them they are infected with a virus.
antidec.tcl 1.0.0 04/11/2008 Leg Will have the bot kickban a specified user infected with the $decode virus. The bot will inform them via PRIVMSG and send them to UnderNet's #vh and #dmsetup for help. The message is somewhat obfuscated because some versions of the virus automatically ignore certain words.
AntiIdle 1.1.1 09/08/1997 ZimoZimo Anti-idle script. Makes the bot msg itself at intervals.
Antilamer 0.1.9 24/04/2006 De Kus Warns, kicks and bans chatter abusing the channel with control codes, screams, caps or ASCII codes. The trick is that the script will count the actuall amount of affected characters of control codes to provide a fair punishment.
antimschat.tcl 1.02 02/08/2000 Sup Warns, kicks and/or bans Microsoft Chat users.
Anti-Spam Scripts
- 18/06/2003 masterix An antispam system. It is possible to change the settings of this script via the partyline.
Game Scripts
0.1 20/05/2007 Bad Scripts Company Allows the bot to "play" the scramble word game by making it respond in the channel with the unscrambled words.
AntiXBC 1.0SD 25/03/2006 Snow_death A script for oper bots that monitors all of the network for Xdcc Catcher, Bottler, ircopen, cortim, Ircork, and more. For ConnectServ on NeoStats.
aop.tcl 1.1 24/10/2000 Evo|ver Adds an auto-op system designed to replace on-join flooding caused by the +a (auto-op) flag. This is a netbots.tcl component.
ask - - Paul A simple little script, much like google.tcl but instead of google, it goes to Ask Jeeves (
ask.tcl - 22/03/2002 Matti Aronen Simple script that allows users to ask stupid questions from bot. Might cause flooding to channels.
asl thingy 1.02 01/05/2002 - Allows you to make a database with asl info.
ASS - AntiSlapScript - 13/01/2002 Konsument Kicks users who try to slap your bot.
asx.tcl - 09/11/2000 dibbz Adds a public command for getting stock quotes from the ASX.
ATVoice - 23/11/2006 ^UnIx_GuY^ Voices everyone who joins a channel and is not an OP. Devoices after a set maximum idle time. Designed for moderated help channels.
auditorium.tcl 1.0 01/07/2003 CrazyCat A way to make an auditorium with your channel, but authorizing peoples to ask questions. An interview.tcl fake, but really simpler and smaller.
Auth 1.03 09/12/2002 DrN Allows you to quickly and easily add authentication to channel commands.
Services Scripts
1.1 27/09/2006 MeTroiD Makes sure the bot is authed to Q (Quakenet) on connect. Hostname can be changed to ensure the script works with multiple networks instead of one.
Services Scripts
2.0 05/12/2008 Mirora Auths your bot to Q on QuakeNet. Update of MeTroiD's script.
auth.tcl 1.2 11/09/2000 Bommer Authorizes users for public commands and password-free msg commands.
Services Scripts
1.0 02/12/2003 lou Authenticates the bot to Q on QuakeNet. Replaces lou's old QuakeNet script.
Services Scripts
0.02.01 28/05/2006 krimson Makes the bot login automatically with X/Q from UnderNet/QuakeNet immediately after connecting to the server. Also performs definable usermodes before logging in. See extended description.
Auto Botnick Changer 1 15/01/2003 TALES Lets your bot change its nick when no active users are talking in the channel.
auto convert long names - 23/02/2005 NoZparker For users who have recently updated their bot to handle nicks of more than 9 characters. Automatically updates user handles in the bot's database from a max of 9 characters to up to 32 as the users join the channel.
Auto Cyclestats for Chanstats - 14/11/2002 ^DooM^ A small script to automate the !cyclestats command for chanstats 1.02 by Baerchen at regular intervals.
auto identify to nickserv
Services Scripts
- 05/03/2009 GoGers NickServ identification script for DALnet. Identifies on connection and includes msg commands for identify, release and ghost
Auto Reop 1.2 05/11/2005 Rana Usman Deop protection and auto-reop for multiple networks. Tested on Undernet, Dalnet and Quakenet, and will work on many other networks.
Auto Welcome
Greet Scripts
2 15/12/2007 Rana Usman Will greet users who enter the channel with customised messages you set in a text file. Can greet via channel msg or notice.
Services Scripts
- 18/02/2003 LorT Auto-Auth Script with mode +x for Gamesnet. Auto-Auth with AuthServ on connect. Public .auth command for authenticating with AuthServ manually.
Auto-Auth Script for Srvx
Services Scripts
- 01/07/2004 Seven Srvx network services auto-auth script to authenticate to AuthServ / NickServ on connect. Includes public and dcc .auth command, and +x support. Works with GameSurge services by default.
Limit Scripts
0.52 23/06/2004 perpleXa A autolimit script which is able to have different settings for each channel.
Auto-op 1.0 11/05/2002 Arganan A little script which can auto-op all channel joiners. Can also give +av.
Autochangenick Beta 29/08/2006 WaSeEm1 Changes the bot's nickname at a specified interval. Multiple nicks can be specified. See extended description.
AutoExpire 1.0 10/12/1998 MrKubo Cleans out the userlist and banlist.
autojump.tcl 5.01 10/03/1999 DeathHand Advanced, automatic server management script.
AutoKnown 1.0.3 15/07/2003 Zsac Monitors the amount of time people have idled in your channel and then adds them to the eggdrop's userfile with flags that you define. Then, if the person ceases to idle they will be removed from the eggdrop user list.
Limit Scripts
1.02 21/06/2002 DrN Will let your bot automatically set a new channel limit using a predefined set of values. If anything it should help in botnet/clone attacks.
Limit Scripts 01/01/2006 miCHa Will set a new limit every 5 minutes, if some users haved parted or joined the channel. You can choose a limit between 3 and 10. The script can be administered through public commands.
autolog.tcl 1.22 23/01/2001 Abraham An enhanced version of the autolog.tcl script. This is a third party release.
autolog.tcl 1.23 28/01/2001 strolchi An enhanced version of the autolog.tcl script. This is a third party release that was last edited by strolchi.
autolog.tcl 1.0 13/07/2000 slennox If you want your bot to keep a logfile for a new channel, you normally have to add a new logfile command to the bot's config file, which can be inconvenient if your bot frequently joins new channels. This script automatically enables a logfile for each channel the bot joins.
Automatic 2.0.3 04/01/1999 Christian Felde Automatic userfile management. Adds users who join the channel. See extended description.
automodes.tcl 12/02/2006 miCHa A dual-mode script for autoop and autovoice. Enabling auto-op will disable autovoice, and vice-versa. Can be controlled via public commands and enabled/disabled for specific channels.
Autoop Nick 1.1 20/01/2005 CoMMy Gives op status to specific nicknames in a specified channel set with the +autoopnick flag when they join.
AutoVoice 1.0 29/08/1998 t00nie Voices users who have a special flag. Includes a public command for adding new voices.
AutoVoice 2.0 21/03/2004 NoZparker Voices users who have a special flag. Original by t00nie, new features added by NoZparker.
autovoice on pubmsg 1.2 28/05/2001 aerosoul Gives voice to users who say something on the channel and devoices them after an idle time.
Autovoice.tcl 0.1 04/10/2007 d1g1t Autovoicing script. Can autovoice in specific channels. Can also be used to throw insults at people who use those annoying access thanking scripts.
autowhom.tcl 1.0.0 08/04/2002 Souperman Automatically does a .whom whenever a person logs on to the partyline.
average.tcl 2.13 26/01/2005 perpleXa Shows channel averages and max. users of different durations (last hour, today, yesterday, 7days, 14days).
AVOnJoin 1.01f 23/03/2001 Baerchen Autovoice script. Includes DCC command for enabling and disabling on specific channels.
aVote 1.1 19/02/2003 arcane Channel voting script featuring dynamic variable answers (e.g. !vote 10m|whats your favorite color?|blue:green:yellow:red). In German language.
aVote 1.1 04/03/2003 arcane Voting script with user-defined answers. German version.
aVote 1.1b 24/02/2003 arcane Voting script with user-defined answers. English version.
aVote 1.1b 14/03/2003 arcane Voting script with user-defined answers. French version.
aVote 1.1b 14/05/2003 kosmar Voting script with user-defined answers. Polish version.
aVote 1.1b DA 13/02/2007 arcane Voting script with user-defined answers. Danish version.
awaycheck.tcl 1.2 07/10/1998 strobe Keeps are record of users who set away.
Services Scripts
1.0 22/01/2003 SerialCRACK A NickServ/ChanServ script for AzzurraNet that allows the bot to identify itself and perform invite, op, and unban functions. Script is in Italian.
Babel Fish Translator 1.12en 07/07/2008 MenzAgitat Uses BabelFish to translate words or sentences from/to English. Allowed languages can be easily modified according to BabelFish's available languages.
Babel Fish Translator (French) 1.12fr 07/07/2008 MenzAgitat Uses BabelFish to translate words or sentences from/to French. Allowed languages can be easily modified according to BabelFish's available languages.
babel.tcl 3.2 29/05/2003 MORA Uses babelfish language translation in the channel, type !translatehelp for info.
Babelist 1.20 13/09/2002 Papillon Gives you the ability to add "babes" to a list, and then do some commands to check whether they are online or not... a nice way to keep track of your "babes".
Backup - 05/08/2001 r0gUe A simple backup script.
Bad Ident Kicker 1.65.b 31/05/2004 awyeah Will kick/ban any users who join your channel with a bad ident. The bad ident words are fully customizable (wildcards such as "** are also accepted). Bans both the bad ident and the users ip address. An effective script to keep users out of your channel which have bad idents (swear/cuss words etc).
Bad Nick 1.2 24/02/2004 Rana Usman Will kick a user using defined badwords in their nicks. Very simple and will take only a few minutes to configure completely.
Bad nick Protection 3.0 02/01/2003 Prince_of_the_net Teaches lamers with annoying nicks a good lesson. It bans for the time specified in the configuration section on the warning offenses. And after the expiry of warnings it creats a permanent nick ban.
Bad Word 1.3 14/09/1999 TheGhost Kicks/bans people who use specified 'bad words' on the channel.
Bad Words 5.1.12 30/07/2003 MC_8 Will act upon anyone in a specified channel that mentions a certain word that you add to the bad words database (wildcards accepted). Such actions popular are /kick and /ban, but can do more. Also has the ability to share its bad words database with other bots on the botnet.
badchan 1.0 09/03/1999 Bass Does a whois on users who join and bans them if they're on specified 'bad' channels.
BadIdban.Tcl - 22/12/2004 Chino_^ Will detect users who use a disagreeable IDENT, banning them from the channel for a specified length of time. Will not punish users with the flags +ofm.
Badquitban - 11/04/2005 Chino_^ Bans users who use disagreeable quit messages. Supports wildcards and won't ban +of users. Script is in Spanish and English.
badvergline.tcl 0.69 04/04/2005 tehVibeh An oper bot helper that asks for ctcp-version from people who join specified channel(s) where the bot is. The user is punished by a gline followed by a kill if his/her ctcp-version reply matches a keyword in your list.
BadWhois 0.1 04/04/2005 caesar Performs a whois on join and places a *!*@host ban if mathes a banned realname or a banned channel. This script was previously named badrealname.tcl.
Ban Channel 3.0.3 25/11/2003 MC_8 Will warn, kick, ban, etc users that are found in banned channels. You can specify what channel masks are to be banned on the fly via dcc console. A channel mask is a glob type masking of the channel name (ie: *cl* could match #tcl or #clown or anyother channel name with a cl in it).
Ban Corrector 1.0 04/01/2003 Prince_of_the_net Checks the channel bans and corrects them if necessary.
Ban Counter - 01/12/2001 BarkerJr Adds a public command to display the total number of bans in the bot's userfile.
Ban Flooders 2.1.3 07/07/2003 MC_8 Ban flooders based off eggdrop's internal flood settings. Plus it has some coding to help utilise the botnet upon a deop flood, a kinda anti-take over measure.
ban-on-deop 1.0 30/03/2005 TheCaGE Improves Eggdrop's handling of mass deops by parsing all raw MODE lines and reacting accordingly.
ban.tcl 1.00 08/08/2001 G_Adam Adds ($handle %d/%m/%y) to your bans' reason when the +ban command is used.
BanChan 3.4 05/01/2000 Clown-Man Does a whois on users and bans them if they're on specified channels.
bancheck.tcl 1.0a 25/08/2001 gregul Checks list of channel bans and the banlist when someone changes nick.
Bandwidth monitor 0.2 dev 04/03/2005 Ofloo Publishes bandwidth from an interface of choice into the channel. Features multiple interfaces (for BSD and Linux), flexible msg templates, and support for Windows, Linux, BSD, etc.
Banlist Cleaner 1.0a 07/06/2004 WolverinX Checks the banlist of the channel and adds the bans of the file bans.file. When the script counts the amount of bans added to X, removes Y amount of old bans. The script executes every T time.
BanManager 1.4.1 22/09/2005 De Kus Adds any ban made via "MODE +b" to the bots internal ban list with the creator's handle. Rejects bans made against more privileged users, and removes bans set by users who don't have the required privileges. Also supports a channel +ban/-ban like command.
banmask.tcl 1.2 25/06/2001 Algol Defines a set of nick!user@host masks that will get a *!*@host ban, useful to keep annoying users banned by nick or userid, including variations of it, without adding dozens of bans in the bot.
Banned Nick Changes 0.2 26/08/1999 GiZZmo, Buster_ Monitors nick changes, kicking the user if they match a ban.
banrite3.tcl - 10/01/1998 Jay Monk Corrects 'faulty' bans.
bar.tcl - 03/02/2005 KnightOrk A German bar/waiter script that can serve a wide range of items to the channel.
BarScript - 04/02/2003 fedayking A simple Dutch bartender script.
Bartender.tcl 1.3 24/06/2008 sphinx Bartender script with mixed drinks, shots, beer, wine and some food. quotefetcher
Quote Scripts
1.4.7 25/11/2003 DJ Grenola Fetches and publicly displays quotes from the quote database by number, text string or just randomly.
BashFr Fetcher 1.0 06/06/2007 MenzAgitat Fetches and displays quotes from (French version of Configurable, anti-flood, multi-chan, bypasses the double-message eggdrop setting (more info in the script itself).
Bass's Seen script
Seen Scripts
1.42c 29/02/2000 Bass The best seen script around, although it can be a bit of a resource hog if used on very busy channels (pretty much unavoidable for a seen script that remembers everyone on the channel).
Bass's Seen script (Batak)
Seen Scripts
1.42c 11/04/2007 Aldi A Batak language version of Bass's Seen script.
Bass's Seen script (Italian)
Seen Scripts
1.42c 02/09/2000 Bass, et al Italian translation of Bass's Seen script.
Bass's Seen script (Norwegian)
Seen Scripts
1.4.2c 27/11/2002 Solbu Norwegian transalation of Bass's Seen script.
Bass's Seen script (Polish)
Seen Scripts
1.4.2c 22/02/2004 Mr. Groch Polish translation for bseen1.4.2.tcl (all pub's, notice and console messages).
Bass's Seen script (Romanian)
Seen Scripts
1.42c 24/01/2005 SanmariS Romanian translation of Bass's Seen script. All the msgs, descriptions, console and help were translated for Romanian users.
Bass's Seen script (Spanish)
Seen Scripts
1.42c 17/11/2007 YeRbA A Spanish language version of Bass's Seen script.
Bass's Seen script (Spanish)
Seen Scripts
1.4.2c 07/02/2008 BaRDaHL & Tybalt Bass's Seen script v1.42c by Bass with full Spanish language responses by the bots (this is an update of the Spanish version of YeRbA.
Bass's Seen script (Turkish)
Seen Scripts
1.4.2c 27/01/2004 e-MALE_UK A translation of Bass's Seen script into Turkish.
Batman Quotes 1.0 14/10/2007 FragUK Displays a random quote from Batman in the channel when triggered by a public command.
Bazman`s SuPeRsCrIpT 1.0 26/12/2006 Bazman`s Adds many public commands for bot/user/channel management and fun.
Bazman`s SuPeRsCrIpT 1.0 15/01/2009 Icari Adds many public commands for bot/user/channel management and fun. Updated and new commands by Icari.
BBCnews 2.0 07/04/2003 mortician Parses the BBC world site and replies to pub commands with the top story headers.
Game Scripts
0.92 14/09/1999 Bass Dice roll script.
Game Scripts
1.0 20/06/2002 Errtu ACRO game script with a lot of features. See extended description.
beer.tcl 1.beta1 15/03/2009 SpiKe^^ A simple channel chatter script. Included default bartender triggers. Can be used for any triggers. Variable replacements can be used in all replies. Complete on-join greet functions included. See extended description.
bello.tcl 3.2 12/02/2005 Matfo A German script that turns your bot into a dog.
Best.times 1.4.3 27/01/2001 wreck Records bot ontime/uptime data. Includes DCC and public commands.
Bouncer Scripts
1.3 06/06/1999 Flint Lets your bot connect to IRC through a bouncer. Supports multiple bouncer types.
BestWeather.tcl 1.6.2 17/08/2004 DragonFlu Working weather script for Currently only does US zip codes. Does forecast for US zip codes as well. Anti flood, set which channels commands work in or not.
bffind.tcl 2.31 31/03/2005 Maxxcrash Can leech player statistics off, a Battlefield 1942 player / server tracker.
bfld98.tcl 1.0 07/11/1998 s0y0k Bans flooders using smart banmasks.
BGExec 1.3 19/08/1998 Fosters@G0 Adds the 'execbg' tcl command for executing commands in the background.
BGL.TCL .09o 10/05/2004 BeGodlike Punishes anyone trying to deop/ban any user/bot that is global +o. Features +e/I support. Note that this script changes many config file settings unless the "optional" bottom section is deleted.
BGSpeak.tcl - 09/12/2003 niGGa Makes the bot respond to words it recognises. Script is in Bulgarian.
bible.tcl 0.5 30/06/2003 k0n? Will read bible verses via queries.
bible.tcl 1.1 27/11/2005 leonidas Cites the Bible in the Russian language. Full database available at the script's home page at
binary & decimal calculator 1.0 13/02/2003 gozzip Convert Binary values to Decimal, and vice versa. You use public commands to perform the calculations you want. The script does not use a built-in engine, but does it 'my way'.
BitchX Poser 15 11/02/2000 sinkhole, et al Makes your bot look like a BitchX client.
bitchxpack.tcl 1.50 25/10/1999 slennox Makes your bot simulate BitchX CTCP replies and AWAY mode. Built-in CTCP flood protection. Designed for accuracy and efficiency rather than simulation of many different BitchX versions. Note that this script shouldn't be used with other scripts that bind the standard CTCP types (e.g. sentinel.tcl).
Bitchy1.0 1.0 06/12/2000 Various authors Kicks all users who op people. Won't kick masters or owners.
Bitoogle Search 1.0 22/08/2004 LoReZ Type !bitoogle <searchpattern> in any chan your bot is in and it will display up to 10 results from
BlackIdle 1.0 beta 10/01/2002 Blackmore Advanced idle kick/ban script.
Game Scripts
1.1 12/12/2006 bloodLiner A Blackjack script for Eggdrop. Original German version.
Blackjack (English)
Game Scripts
1.1 12/12/2006 bloodLiner A Blackjack script for Eggdrop. English translation.
Blacklist 0.3 26/07/2004 perpleXa Bans everyone matching a specified mask (doesn't use the internal ban system). Using public commands, entries can easily be added/deleted.
Blackmore's BlackIdle 1.1 beta 31/05/2003 XeNoGear Modified version of Blackmore's advanced idle kick/ban script.
BlackTools 1.4 08/03/2009 BLaCkShaDoW Public command script including .o , .v , .add level user1 user2 etc., .black, .d days nick / host, and many others. Has multiple access levels (voice, op, senior, admin, manager). Written for Undernet but can be modified to work on other networks. Script is in Romanian. script 1.1 26/10/2008 dalys Searches the website for movie titles and fetches info about them.
Bouncer Scripts
0.3f 12/11/2005 fr0st An updated version of Bnc.tcl 0.3 by KuNgFo0 that works with the newer versions of bnc.
Bouncer Scripts
1.3 08/03/1999 DuHmE Lets your bot connect to IRC through a bouncer.
Bouncer Scripts
1.1 19/04/2006 SidneY psyBNC bouncer administration via Eggdrop with public commands. Bot transfers the passwords and all connect data to the added user on your IRC network. Bot must have admin rights on psyBNC. Script is in German.
Botnet Scripts
4.0 11/04/2000 cmouse Botnet script that allows you to control either one bot or all bots at the same time.
Quote Scripts
- 29/03/2002 Progeny Responds to a public command with BOFH quotes.
BOFH excuses
Quote Scripts
1.0 13/10/2001 vicu BOFH script made just for fun and based on the quote scipt by stigmata.
Game Scripts
2.06.2 beta3 10/02/2008 SpiKe^^ Full featured HTML Page Generator add-on for BogusTrivia 2.06.3+. Includes custom templates and CSS files for presenting html pages in BogusTrivia theme colors. Can display any number of active, history and extended history player stats. See extended description.
Game Scripts 27/02/2008 SpiKe^^ Full featured trivia game script. Advanced features include support for many question file formats, user file cleanup, user & history file backup, non-english character support, easy day/month name translations, BogusHTML support, and much more. See extended description.
Bot Protection System 1.1 26/07/1999 Ernst Protects bots from being kicked/deopped, and allows only bots to op users.
Bot Uptime 1.0.0 08/01/2007 Emeric Lucifer Evans An extensive uptime script that is highly customizable through the settings variables. Offering to show things such as the operating system the eggdrop is running under, the CPU and memory usage in the uptime message.
Bot-status 2.0 10/06/2004 Tijmerd Will create a status page in html with information about your bot. There are also chan statics + king stats. An example is available on
Services Scripts
0.4 27/08/1999 GiZZmo, Buster_ Makes the bot identify itself to ChanServ and NickServ.
botaway.tcl 1.14 02/08/2000 Sup Allows your bot to automatically set itself away. Includes DCC commands for manual control.
Bouncer Scripts
1.31 22/12/1999 RyDeR_H00k Makes the bot transfer messages between two different channels.
Game Scripts
1.01 06/03/2007 et109 A simple script which displays 2 dice on a green "table" in an IRC channel. The dice are randomly chosen and displayed by opening and reading a text file which corresponds to the value of each die. You can roll the dice simply to roll them or play a round of craps.
BotNet Commands
Botnet Scripts
1.1 15/07/1998 MrHat_ Botnet commands script.
BotNet Invite
Botnet Scripts
4.1 25/02/1998 Lefty Botnet invite script.
Botnet Tools
Botnet Scripts
3.4.1 22/01/1999 TheGhost, et al Botnet commands script. See extended description.
BotnetNotify.tcl 1.8 18/06/2002 Wcc Notifies a channel when a user joins the partyline or leaves the partyline, when a bot disconnects or links, and when a user changes their handle. See extended description.
Botnet Scripts
2.23 26/02/2001 slennox Allows linked bots to securely op/invite/etc. one another, similar to getops.tcl. One of the main features of this script is its "delayed op" mechanism to reduce +o flooding whenever a bot joins (particularly annoying if you have a large botnet).
botnetop.tcl component
Botnet Scripts
4.09.1-Fitti 25/08/2002 Fitti Replacement botnetop.tcl component for netbots.tcl. Adds support for !channels (e.g. on IRCnet).
botnick.tcl 1.0 21/11/1999 slennox Adds a DCC command for changing your bot's nickname.
Botnet Scripts
0.1 02/09/2001 zyphah With this nifty little tcl you can easily check what bots are down/not linked in your botnet. Very good for big botnets since you now don't need to check it manually. Use ".botnl" in dcc chat.
Botnet Scripts
1.0.26 10/01/2005 yanek Combines botnetop.tcl and getops.tcl, allowing bots to interact with other bots running either script.
Botnet Scripts
1.2 18/01/2002 BarkerJr Adds a dcc command '.bping [bot]' which pings bots on the botnet via the botnet. An updated version of the TCL that has been passed around (I don't know who the original author is).
BotRequest 1.3 05/11/2001 popdog If you have a Botnet and you want to lend your Bots, now everyone can easily request one (!request <bot-nick> #channel The request get sent via a note.
Botnet Scripts
1.4.3 27/02/2001 Nils Ostbjerg Allows bots to request ops, invite, etc. from one another. Designed for IRCnet.
botresync.tcl 1.0 21/11/1999 slennox Basic script that attempts to prevent the bots from becoming badly desynched. Useful on networks such as Undernet where this can often happen.
BotServ 1.6 12/12/2002 Progeny Checks aop, sop and cf lists from ChanServ. All the aop+ users with identified nicks can use some commands like: !op !ban !kick !deop. This script is designed to work on the Azzurra IRC Network, but can be modified for use on another networks.
BotTalker 1.3 18/06/2003 nTaxa Makes the bot respond when it is talked to on the channel.
BotTalker 1.1 03/06/2006 Dr. DelProg Sends specified text to given user or channel.
Bouncer Scripts
1.1 05/01/1999 ^KenwooD^ Lets your bot connect to IRC through a bouncer.
Brain.tcl 1.02 24/08/2002 IrAl^KbK Makes your bot speak. Script is in German.
broadcast.tcl 1.0 21/08/2002 npocmak Adds the command .broadcast, which is for sending broadcasts in the party line channel on behalf of the bot.
broadcast.tcl 02/01/2006 miCHa An "amsg" script for QuakeNet. You can add channels to a "blacklist" and if S (spamscan) is on a channel, it doesnt send a message to that channel. If a channel has mode +c, it will post the broadcast without bold and underline. This script has full administration and help features.
BruneiChat Auth
Services Scripts
- 01/05/2003 irongeek Auths with Nickserv on Bruneichat upon connect and sets usermodes on bot before joining channels.
bugtraq.tcl 1.2 11/06/2003 domsen Posts every new vulnerability from the bugtraq mailing list to certain channels and posts the last X vulnerabilities to a user using a public or message command.
buildstats.tcl - 27/10/2002 NDI Based on rules.tcl, this script basically runs a stats generator which uploads stats from a channel to a place on the server. Useful if you're hosting your eggdrop bot and your stats on the same server.
bundesliga.tcl 1.5.2 18/09/2004 Mosher Grabs headlines from and displays them to the channel. Broadcast function enables the script to post new headlines to the channel when the site is updated.
bunny.tcl - 04/04/2004 kazoo Makes an ascii bunny with text.
bwhois 0.1 14/08/2003 blh Useful function that performs a /whois and returns everything of value to a callback function of choice.
Bwords 2.1 28/05/2003 - Lets you define a list of badwords, channels set +bword will kick+ban users when saying these words, bans by default.
Topic Scripts
- 24/05/2003 - Inserts topic changes into a MySQL database. Requires tcl-sql.
cbuk.tcl - 01/07/1999 exiled` Kicks people who use colour, bold, or underline
Cervellone 1.0 15/06/2002 RobotMan Italian script that automatically makes the bot answer frequently asked questions.
cgi.tcl 4.10 07/01/1999 strobe A script that allows the bot to interact with web page forms that use CGI. Aimed mainly at developers who want to create scripts that retrieve information from web pages.
CGI:IRC - 30/01/2002 sirgrim Script to control CGI:IRC clients.
Chan Lockout 2.21 08/11/2002 Paladinz Allows you to set a custom flag (A - Z) on the bot for users who should have access to the chans specified. Ops, bots and flagged users will be allowed access, anyone else will be banned. See extended description.
Channel Linking Scripts
1.01 21/10/2001 shred Channel relay script. Uses the botnet to relay messages between different channels/networks.
chan.tcl 1.0 09/09/2004 Phil_L Public commands script that is a modification of the Avenger script. Good for running your own channel and protecting it.
ChanBackup.tcl 1.3.0 06/12/1999 Nils Ostbjerg Enables you to copy the settings of a channel into another channel, including channel settings and userflags.
ChanBan 1.0 29/04/2000 Wolven Does a WHOIS on users who join and bans them if they're in specified channels. See extended description.
chanctrl.tcl 2.10.0 10/05/2000 Johoho Monitors channels for colour usage and gives warnings/kicks/bans to offenders. Designed as a netbots.tcl component.
Change Badnick.TCL 1.1 06/08/2002 Ha0 Kick ban when someone changes their nickname into a badnick in channel.
Change nick 1.0 25/01/2003 Nor7on Kicks and bans people who change to a nickname that contains specified obscenities. Script is in Spanish.
Change Nick Too fast 1.0 01/10/2003 Ha0 Punishes users who change their nick too many times within a specified period.
Chaninfo - - Infernius Adds a public command that shows the date a channel was made and how long ago that was.
Info Scripts
1.3 26/11/1999 dw Information storage/retrieval. See extended description.
chankey 1.1 16/10/1999 blue Allows the bot to join channels with a key. See extended description.
Chanlev 3.206rc1 22/06/2004 perpleXa Simulates the original chanlev from QuakeNet's Q by using users' authnicks.
Services Scripts
3.0 - Infernius Lets you view the amount of users of a channel with either L or Q. Can also be used to view a user's flags or add/remove flags. This script is designed for Quakenet and will probably not fully work on other networks that use Q. Based on MeTroiD's cl add.tcl script.
Limit Scripts
1.3.2 18/06/2000 Nils Ostbjerg Will limit a channel to the current number of users plus 5 once every min.
Limit Scripts
3.15.0+johoho 10/05/2000 Johoho Enhanced version of the chanlimit.tcl component for netbots.tcl.
Limit Scripts
1.5 01/04/1999 slennox Maintains a channel limit to prevent serious floodbot attacks. It has a couple of features that you won't find in other limiter scripts.
Chanlist 1.00 28/08/2001 Merlin Creates a channel list and stores it in an HTML file.
chanlist.tcl 1.01 02/08/2000 Sup Allows you do see what channels bots on the botnet are on.
Channel Advertise/Spam Kicker
Anti-Spam Scripts
3.92.b 06/07/2004 awyeah Detects advertisements/invites/spams from TEXTS, ACTIONS and NOTICES sent to channels the bot on punishing those users. Doesn't ban if it detects a single '#' or 'join' only. Has many exemption options, and a customizable advertise matching worldlist with various banmask types and a kick counter. See extended description.
Channel Banlist Cleaner 8.96.b 06/08/2007 awyeah Will make your bot clean channel banlists when they become full or near full. Can remove all bans or a specific amount of bans. Ban removal order can be selected, like removing the last placed, recent or random. A good script when your bot monitors large channels where the banlists fill up quickly.
Channel Grabber
Services Scripts
3.48.b 04/09/2004 awyeah Will try to register dropped channels by checking channels' usercounts based on a timer. If any defined channel is empty the bot will cycle it and register it with ChanServ. A good script to chase dropped popular channels with. Requires an IRC network with services such as ChanServ.
Channel Greet
Greet Scripts
1.1 20/08/1999 ArcAngel Displays the channel homepage and a random greet msg on-join. Also sends an on-part msg.
Channel Greet Modified
Greet Scripts
1.1 18/06/2005 SYFX Modified version of ArcAngel's script. Removed dual-channel operation and part messages. Also removed web links and updated the 'DATE' functions.
Channel Guardian 1.02 13/07/2003 DrN Attempts to add some general channel protection to your bot. Features Repeat Kick/Banner, Single Character flood ban, Subtraction character Flood Ban, Addition character Flood Ban, and many more.
Channel guardian 1.1 02/06/2000 hd2000 Adds public commands that allow ops to do everyday channel tasks.
Channel invite 0.1 beta 05/02/2003 Dreamer Adds msg commands for invite and adding users to an invite database.
Channel OP/VOICE Limit 6.72.b 31/07/2004 awyeah Will detect the number of channel ops/voices and will deop/devoice any extra (which exceed the channel's op/voice limit - user defined). Has many functions such as sorting of the nicks to deop/devoice as well as exemption of specific user flags, nicks and also channel/user notification options.
Channel peak visitors - 25/05/2004 Den Keeps a record of channel size and lets the user find out this info by public command !peak. Also lets botmasters reject any channels from keeping a record. Script is in Russian.
Channel Pro - 14/03/2007 Pahlwaan Total channel protection such as flood/text protection.
channel protection 2.2 14/01/2004 gozzip Warns/kicks/bans users for doing annoying things, such as using bold, underline, colors, caps, and sending notices to the channel. Comprehensive setup.. no public commands.
channel protection 1.4+fixed 04/12/2003 blood_x An enhanced version of gozzip's channel protection script.
Channel script 0.5.3 20/01/1998 |SmUrF| Public commands script.
Channel Swear Kick 5.86.b 04/09/2004 awyeah Will detect any swear, cuss or bad words sent into a channel via TEXTS, ACTIONS or NOTICES punishing the user. Has several punishment and exemption options as well as alot of other functions. This is a good script to keep out all the people who swear and say bad words in family orientated channels. See extended description.
Channel Voter 1.15 20/12/2001 Loki` Fully featured voting script. See extended description.
Channelhelper 2.0 08/02/2009 Djoezy A script to manage multiple channels. It has topic protection, welcome, badword, VIP scan, spamscan,channel mode protection, etc. Works with channel and global users. mIRC script included for managing channels. Specialized for Quakenet, but can run on other networks.
Services Scripts
1.1 10/12/1998 Lamego Makes the bot to use ChanServ to protect itself. See extended description.
Channel Linking Scripts
2.0 14/10/2003 CrazyCat A complete relay script which works with the botnet. You can use it as a spy or a full duplex communication tool.
chanscan.tcl 1.05 02/08/2000 Sup Adds DCC commands that allow you to scan a channel for ircops, ops/voices, and people who are set away.
ChanServ Auto Need
Services Scripts
3.35.b 30/08/2004 awyeah Will trigger when your eggdrop bot needs an op/unban/invite/limit/key on a channel. Requests ChanServ to reop itself when it is deoped, and unban itself when it is banned and it would also invite itself when channels are set to invite-only, have a low channel limit or unknown channel key set. See extended description.
ChanServ Auto Reop
Services Scripts
5.61.b 27/06/2004 awyeah Will reop an eggdrop bot when it is deoped by someone on some channel. Different channel activations and user punishment options can be setup. There are several features for exemption, user notification and logging the deoper. A good script to *always* keep your eggdrop bot opped on channels. See extended description.
ChanServ auto-op - 03/12/2001 SniperAC For people that have their bot as room owners. Asks ChanServ to auto op your friends with a public command (!aop !dop etc.). You can delete using the !dop command. Also voices and half-ops.
Chanserv Script
Services Scripts
- 23/02/2009 Jer Adds public commands for adding and removing Vop/Hop/Aop/Sop/Akicks on ChanServ. Can be activated/deactivated on specific channels. See extended description.
ChanServ Verbose Logging
Services Scripts
5.38.b 11/04/2005 awyeah Logs ChanServ VERBOSE notices. Has two types of channel activations and is useful for channel FOUNDERs and SOPs so they are aware with what is going on with the channel's access lists when they're offline. Also has a ChanServ WHY result logger for the person performing the access list modification.
Services Scripts
1.5.4 13/09/2006 De Kus An event driven script (no timers used for output) to keep your bot authed to NickServ, keep your primary nick by ghosting and releasing it and finally of course to interact with ChanServ to join the channel and get op. See extended description.
ChanStat 1.0.0 14/08/2002 asdaf Tells how many ops/voices/total users are on the channel.
Chanstats 2.01 09/05/1999 Ernst Makes the bot publish and maintain a web page with channel statistics.




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